MagFone is here to provide you with more information you want to know. If you have any questions or problems with our product and service, please check our online Support Center first, where you may find the answers directly and quickly. If you failed to get one or you have some suggestions or bug reports for us, please feel free to contact us immediately. We're happy to help you.

Customer Service

Our customer service department is ready to solve any problem you encountered when purchasing or after purchasing our products. Please submit your problems to us with all details.

Tech Support

If you can't use our software successfully and didn't get the answer from the Product FAQs, please get in touch with our technical support team for further assistance.

Suggestions & Feedbacks

Are you a big fan of us? Do you have any suggestions or comments to share with us? Just tell us now! We'd love to hear from you. Your opinion is precious to us and will make our product better and better.